Sunday, 15 June 2014

A Day With No Locks

We didn't watch England last night as it was getting a little late after visiting the Black Swan in Netherton. Just as well as it turned out!
Through the tunnel in 45 minutes to look forward to a lock free day along the BCN and into the centre of Birmingham for lunch and being nice to "gongoozerlers"


 Some wonderful limestone curtain deposits

One of the many airshafts

Light at the end of the tunnel



So it was on down the Worcester and Birmingham canal past the university and the Cadbury works at Bournville. We then entered the Stratford on Avon canal at King's Norton junction passing under the famous Guillotine lock much to the amusement of some lads who had climbed up onto it pretending to drop the blade on us!


We gradually left the industrial terrain of the outskirts of Birmingham to find some pleasant remote moorings and with a TV signal to watch tonight's game between France and Honduras.

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